NTP Service Does Not Start Note: If the NTP service fails to start after installation then most likely the Visual Studio Redistributable package (vcredist_x86) is missing, even though it should be available on all current Windows installations. The 32 bit (x86) version of the redistributable needs to be installed even on 64 bit Windows systems. The installer for this package is available in this folder (vcredist_x86_v2008.exe) or from the Microsoft download page: For Visual C++ 2008 http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=29 (dead link as of 11/27/2021) For Visual C++ 2013 http://download.microsoft.com/download/0/5/6/056dcda9-d667-4e27-8001-8a0c6971d6b1/vcredist_x86.exe (not tested with the Meinberg applications; might work, might not)