Monthly Checklist Last updated 2024 09 01 1) Cold reboot RSP TFD Array PC. 2) Copy prvious month's files in R:/Observation Records/NOAA - K Index 7-Day/ to E:/NOAA - K Index 7-Day/ 3) Copy R:/Observation Records/ to T:/AJ4CO Archive/ 4) Create a new monthly directory as T:/AJ4CO Archive/AJ4CO Observatory/DPS/Individual Spectrograms/yyyy mm/ 5) Run R:/Observation Records/AJ4CO_DPS/DPS Data File Utilities - 2020 05 05 AJ4CO 24-Hour DPS Spectrogram Archive Maker.nb Mathematica script to make six png spectrograms for each daily SPS file for the previous month. 6) Inspect all newly-created spectrograms for errors. Using RSS, re-save any SPS files for which spectrograms are in error and re-run the Mathematica script on those files only. 7) Run T:/AJ4CO Archive/AJ4CO Observatory/DPS/Individual Spectrograms/Spectrogram Maker 24.jsx Photoshop script from Photoshop with the T:/AJ4CO Archive/AJ4CO Observatory/DPS/Spectrogram Template 24H.psd file open (F12 key on the TADI-WS09 PC) and select the newly created monthly spectrograms directory for processing. 8) Run T:/AJ4CO Archive/AJ4CO Observatory/DPS/Individual Spectrograms/ Python script to move spectrograms from T:/AJ4CO Archive/AJ4CO Observatory/DPS/Individual Spectrograms/yyyy mm/Processed DPS Spectrograms/ to E:/24hr Spectrograms to Web/yymm/ 9) Manually copy F:/NOAA - K Index 7-Day/ to //ra15/webroot/AJ4CO Data Archive/NOAA - K Index 7-Day/yyyy/ 10) Modify TSI-WS03 SyncBackPro jobs to reflect new yearly and/or monthly folders a) RA_to_web - DPS 1 Month - RSP TFD 1 Month - DPS_Data 1 Month - Cal Logs - Oak Lane FSX 1 Month - Oak Lane RSP 1 Month b) Spectrograms (24hr) 1 Month to RA15 11) Run Spectrograms (24hr) 1 Month to RA15 backup job on TSI-WS03 PC 12) Yearly - Delete prior year's spectral data (large files) from E:/, R:/, X:/, Y:/ and Z:/ 13) Run RA15 to D backup job on TSI-WS03 PC 14) Run AJ4CO T HDD to T Portable backup job on FXBox3 PC 15) Run AJ4CO www to B backup job on Dellbox PC