Table of Jupiter elongations 2010-2060, from JPL DE430 & JUP310 Positive elongation indicates Jupiter is west of the Sun Printed 01 Aug 2020 by AJ4CO Observatory 2010-May-18 0030 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2010-Sep-21 1136 UTC -> Opposition 2010-Dec-16 2147 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2011-Apr-06 1440 UTC -> Conjunction 2011-Jun-25 2342 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2011-Oct-29 0142 UTC -> Opposition 2012-Jan-22 0635 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2012-May-13 1323 UTC -> Conjunction 2012-Aug-02 0950 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2012-Dec-03 0145 UTC -> Opposition 2013-Feb-25 2226 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2013-Jun-19 1611 UTC -> Conjunction 2013-Sep-07 1346 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2014-Jan-05 2111 UTC -> Opposition 2014-Apr-01 0739 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2014-Jul-24 2044 UTC -> Conjunction 2014-Oct-10 2315 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2015-Feb-06 1820 UTC -> Opposition 2015-May-04 0902 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2015-Aug-26 2202 UTC -> Conjunction 2015-Nov-11 0208 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2016-Mar-08 1057 UTC -> Opposition 2016-Jun-04 1057 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2016-Sep-26 0700 UTC -> Conjunction 2016-Dec-09 2127 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2017-Apr-07 2139 UTC -> Opposition 2017-Jul-06 0244 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2017-Oct-26 1809 UTC -> Conjunction 2018-Jan-08 1157 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2018-May-09 0039 UTC -> Opposition 2018-Aug-06 2327 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2018-Nov-26 0633 UTC -> Conjunction 2019-Feb-08 0029 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2019-Jun-10 1528 UTC -> Opposition 2019-Sep-08 1527 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2019-Dec-27 1825 UTC -> Conjunction 2020-Mar-11 1227 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2020-Jul-14 0758 UTC -> Opposition 2020-Oct-11 1334 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2021-Jan-29 0140 UTC -> Conjunction 2021-Apr-15 1654 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2021-Aug-20 0028 UTC -> Opposition 2021-Nov-15 1958 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2022-Mar-05 1406 UTC -> Conjunction 2022-May-23 1053 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2022-Sep-26 1933 UTC -> Opposition 2022-Dec-22 0050 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2023-Apr-11 2207 UTC -> Conjunction 2023-Jul-01 1014 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2023-Nov-03 0502 UTC -> Opposition 2024-Jan-27 0718 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2024-May-18 1845 UTC -> Conjunction 2024-Aug-07 1332 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2024-Dec-07 2058 UTC -> Opposition 2025-Mar-02 1819 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2025-Jun-24 1517 UTC -> Conjunction 2025-Sep-12 0730 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2026-Jan-10 0842 UTC -> Opposition 2026-Apr-05 2223 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2026-Jul-29 1218 UTC -> Conjunction 2026-Oct-15 0818 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2027-Feb-11 0029 UTC -> Opposition 2027-May-08 1938 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2027-Aug-31 0729 UTC -> Conjunction 2027-Nov-15 0558 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2028-Mar-12 1537 UTC -> Opposition 2028-Jun-08 2000 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2028-Sep-30 1251 UTC -> Conjunction 2028-Dec-13 2347 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2029-Apr-12 0405 UTC -> Opposition 2029-Jul-10 1229 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2029-Oct-30 2357 UTC -> Conjunction 2030-Jan-12 1630 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2030-May-13 1133 UTC -> Opposition 2030-Aug-11 1141 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2030-Nov-30 1443 UTC -> Conjunction 2031-Feb-12 1051 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2031-Jun-15 0920 UTC -> Opposition 2031-Sep-13 0752 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2032-Jan-01 0741 UTC -> Conjunction 2032-Mar-16 0642 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2032-Jul-19 0834 UTC -> Opposition 2032-Oct-16 1014 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2033-Feb-02 2130 UTC -> Conjunction 2033-Apr-20 1951 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2033-Aug-25 0540 UTC -> Opposition 2033-Nov-20 1949 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2034-Mar-10 1617 UTC -> Conjunction 2034-May-28 1926 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2034-Oct-02 0058 UTC -> Opposition 2034-Dec-27 0128 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2035-Apr-17 0313 UTC -> Conjunction 2035-Jul-06 1824 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2035-Nov-08 0543 UTC -> Opposition 2036-Feb-01 0557 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2036-May-23 2233 UTC -> Conjunction 2036-Aug-12 1523 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2036-Dec-12 1442 UTC -> Opposition 2037-Mar-07 1311 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2037-Jun-29 1343 UTC -> Conjunction 2037-Sep-17 0040 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2038-Jan-14 1958 UTC -> Opposition 2038-Apr-10 1302 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2038-Aug-03 0407 UTC -> Conjunction 2038-Oct-19 1806 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2039-Feb-15 0802 UTC -> Opposition 2039-May-13 0743 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2039-Sep-04 1803 UTC -> Conjunction 2039-Nov-19 1102 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2040-Mar-16 2158 UTC -> Opposition 2040-Jun-13 0645 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2040-Oct-04 2024 UTC -> Conjunction 2040-Dec-18 0343 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2041-Apr-16 1221 UTC -> Opposition 2041-Jul-14 2345 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2041-Nov-04 0633 UTC -> Conjunction 2042-Jan-16 2220 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2042-May-17 2355 UTC -> Opposition 2042-Aug-16 0048 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2042-Dec-04 2305 UTC -> Conjunction 2043-Feb-16 2055 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2043-Jun-20 0236 UTC -> Opposition 2043-Sep-17 2322 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2044-Jan-05 1939 UTC -> Conjunction 2044-Mar-20 2337 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2044-Jul-24 0655 UTC -> Opposition 2044-Oct-21 0414 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2045-Feb-07 1443 UTC -> Conjunction 2045-Apr-25 1934 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2045-Aug-30 0702 UTC -> Opposition 2045-Nov-25 1549 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2046-Mar-15 1431 UTC -> Conjunction 2046-Jun-02 2343 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2046-Oct-07 0129 UTC -> Opposition 2046-Dec-31 2146 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2047-Apr-22 0437 UTC -> Conjunction 2047-Jul-11 2213 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2047-Nov-13 0211 UTC -> Opposition 2048-Feb-06 0053 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2048-May-28 2254 UTC -> Conjunction 2048-Aug-17 1346 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2048-Dec-17 0533 UTC -> Opposition 2049-Mar-12 0529 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2049-Jul-04 0946 UTC -> Conjunction 2049-Sep-21 1550 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2050-Jan-19 0557 UTC -> Opposition 2050-Apr-15 0249 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2050-Aug-07 1855 UTC -> Conjunction 2050-Oct-24 0240 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2051-Feb-19 1440 UTC -> Opposition 2051-May-17 1858 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2051-Sep-09 0341 UTC -> Conjunction 2051-Nov-23 1529 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2052-Mar-21 0358 UTC -> Opposition 2052-Jun-17 1655 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2052-Oct-09 0234 UTC -> Conjunction 2052-Dec-22 0631 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2053-Apr-20 1941 UTC -> Opposition 2053-Jul-19 0949 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2053-Nov-08 1200 UTC -> Conjunction 2054-Jan-21 0258 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2054-May-22 1103 UTC -> Opposition 2054-Aug-20 1231 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2054-Dec-09 0630 UTC -> Conjunction 2055-Feb-21 0709 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2055-Jun-24 1951 UTC -> Opposition 2055-Sep-22 1425 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2056-Jan-10 0818 UTC -> Conjunction 2056-Mar-25 1751 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2056-Jul-29 0647 UTC -> Opposition 2056-Oct-25 2347 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2057-Feb-12 1036 UTC -> Conjunction 2057-Apr-30 2305 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2057-Sep-04 1129 UTC -> Opposition 2057-Nov-30 1503 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2058-Mar-20 1743 UTC -> Conjunction 2058-Jun-08 0912 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2058-Oct-12 0638 UTC -> Opposition 2059-Jan-05 2251 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90° 2059-Apr-27 1117 UTC -> Conjunction 2059-Jul-17 0655 UTC -> Observing season starts at elongation +60° 2059-Nov-18 0301 UTC -> Opposition 2060-Feb-11 0034 UTC -> Observing season ends at elongation –90°