R8500PROG 2.02 can read or write the 101 memory channesls of the ICOM R8500 receiver. You can modify, load and save the data on CSV files. R8500PROG needs the MSHFLXGD.OCX ActiveX component. If the program doesn't start, copy the files MSHFLXGD.OCX and REGISTER.BAT in the same folder of R8500PROG.EXE, then run REGISTER.BAT. Connect a PC serial port with the RS232 port of the R75 receiver using a "straight" RS232 cable, not a "cross" or "null-modem" cable or with the CI-V port using a CT-17 cable. Press the CONNECT button and select the R8500 address (default is "4A"), the PC port and the baud rate. Press the UPLOAD button to read the memory channels (all or selected only) from the receiver. Press the DOWNLOAD button to write the memory channels into the receiver. This program is released for non commercial use. The author cannot be held responsible for any kind of damage that occurs while using this program in any way. R8500PROG is free! Download the last version from: http://guindasoft.impreseweb.com/radio/radio.html