Version: 0207010000 Start Time: 2019-02-27 00:00:02.617 UTC End Time: 2019-02-28 00:00:00.802 UTC Latitude: 29.836944 Longitude: 82.621389 Max Y: 0.000 Min Y: 0.000 Time Zone: 00 Source: Author: Typinski Local Name: AJ4CO Gamma Counter Location: Hight Springs, FL Channel Count: 1 Note Length: 1019 Note: CDV-700 survey meter, beta shield closed. Audio output connected to external sound card line in (SB-1090 X-Fi). Line in recording level set to 20% in the Windows sound properties for the X-fi Line In recording level (setting the recording level to 100% causes a single pulse to register as two pulses about 90% of the time). RSP v2.7.1 configured for 1,000 millisec sample period and pulse count detection method. Data represents counts per second or CPS. *[[*CHL0CH 1CHO00XALABELTime (UTC)YALABELGamma Counts per Second (CPS)MetaData_Data Source : 1Sound Card LeftMetaData_Emaildavetyp@typnet.netMetaData_Detection Method: CH 1Pulse CountMetaData_Sound Card DeviceLine (3- SB X-Fi Surround 5.1)MetaData_Last Sound Card Calibration180722170526MetaData_Sound: Format: PCM 12.000 kHz, 16 Bit, Stereo Buffer: 48000MetaData_Mixer: Source:Master Volume Vol:100MetaData_Timing Method: Windows TimerMetaData_Sound Card Timing Correction 1MetaData_Requested Sample Period: 1000*]]*